10 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Don't Have Degree

10 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Don’t Have Degree

An entrepreneur doesn’t need a degree, but relevant exposure and a business mind are enough to set the benchmark in the world of business. In today’s blog, we’ll be discussing 10 successful entrepreneurs who don’t have a degree but are known for their unmatched level of intelligence, and a passion to do something.

However, the importance of a degree cannot be denied but we do have examples of famous personalities who are the inspiration for many but don’t own a degree.

So let’s get started with the directory of 10 successful entrepreneurs who don’t have a degree:

1- Richard Branson:

The first person on the list we have is Richard Branson. Who knew that a very dull student, with poor grades and suffering from disease dyslexia, would be a shining star one day, and become an inspiration for many?
He quitted school when he was 16, but didn’t give up. Instead, he thrived back with a magazine named “Student”. Under this setup, he discussed the young youth’s problems. Over time, he became more passionate about his skills and launched Virgin Records. At present time, the Virgin brand compromises over 400 companies! YES – it is jaw-dropping.

2– Dave Thomas:

A high school drop-out, working at a restaurant with full-hours will launch its food chain one day and that will be worth $99 million – seems exciting, right? Yes, because it is.
Dave Thomas started working at a restaurant called Hobby House. Later he launched his first outlet in 1969. However, the chain suffered many uncertainties and fluctuations but he still made it to be listed among 10 successful entrepreneurs who don’t own a degree.

3– Michael Dell:

After being dropped out from the University of Texas, the innovative mind began to work on the invention of something unique and worthy. The best part is that Michal Dell was successful in doing so. Today, we call his invention “Dell Computers”.
Michael Dell was listed among the youngest CEO; and this happened when he was only 27! According to a recent estimate, the current worth of his business is somewhat around $20 billion.

4– David Karp:

A high school dropout learned coding skills at age of 11; started working as an internee when he was 14; founded a blogging network called Tumblr is now known as David Karp. David had a co-worker along with him when he launched the blogging network in 2007.
Within 2 weeks only, the platform gained popularity and it had 75,000 active followers. The success was huge. Later Yahoo! purchased the platform for 1$ billion.

5- Founder of Whole Foods:

The founder of the well-known brand Whole Foods was a school dropout who knew the benefits of eating and cooking healthy. No one knew that one day John Mackey will come up with his store with the name Safer Way Natural Foods. Things went smooth with a few ups and downs. In this business, he had his girlfriend along with him.
After two years, he collaborated with local grocery store owners; which resulted in the launching of Whole Foods Market, located in Austin.
In the current era, the business’s net worth is $100 million. A school dropout owning a business worth $100 MILLION! – Impressive, right?

6– Co-founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels:

Just like another random student, the co-founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels; Anne Beiler wasn’t so much interested in college neither holding a degree was her priority. After she got married, settled down, and began to live her dream life; she got hit by a random thought.
She borrowed $6000 from her in-laws to set up a pretzel stand at the locality. As time passed by; her business was so recognized that she opened 100 franchises in different locations.
Later, she sold her business and became an author and a motivational speaker.

7– Co-founder of Microsoft:

A Harvard University dropout Bill Gates was listed among the top world’s richest men from 1995 to 2017. After being dropped out, the genius mind co-founded Microsoft, and today people know him for invention and of course, he is recognized for his money power too!

8– Founder and CEO of American Apparel:

The entrepreneurial bug inside the Founder and CEO of American Apparel; Dov Charney’s mind had already taken over since he was very young. He used to sell clothes while he was in high school.
As time passed by, his skills were polished and he decided to quit from Tufts University so he could focus on the launch of American Apparel. He borrowed $10,000 from his father and shifted to South Carolina for business purposes.
He launched his outlet in 2003, in 3 different locations and yet is known all around the world.

9– Co-Founder of Apple and Pixar:

The success of sunrise doesn’t require a degree; proved by the Co-Founder of Apple and Pixar. Late Steve Jobs after being a drop out from the university, launched the brand Apple Inc. and gain popularity in a short span.

10– Founder of Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chipprey

To launch her company, Debbi Fields drop out of her college and managed to borrow some money from money lenders. She had no experience in the field, but she still decided to step into the field. Her business grew globally and in 13 years she had successfully set the benchmark in the business.
Also, she later launched a recipe book which was a hot seller in 1992.


By mentioning the above 10 successful entrepreneurs we don’t mean to offend the idea of traditional education; because a degree has its charm and importance. Skill is a ticket to fly higher and unleash new opportunities. At Digital Minds Pakistan, you have an opportunity to learn almost every skill – which owns the future. To learn some skills, enroll now.

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